David Yazbeck Appointed to the Board of Directors of COVA-DAAV

RavenLaw is pleased to announce that David Yazbeck has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Copyright Visual Arts – Droits d’outeur Arts visuels (COVA-DAAV). COVA-DAAV is the business operating name of CARCC, which is a copyright collective founded by Canadian Artists’ Representation – Le Front des Artistes Canadiens (CARFAC) in 1990 to assist artists in administering their copyrights. David is also a member of the Board of CARFAC and, as part of the governance structure for COVA-DAAV, CARFAC is entitled to appoint board members to the COVA-DAAV Board.

David is excited for this opportunity to continue his advocacy efforts on behalf of visual artists in Canada, particularly as it relates to protecting and promoting artists’ copyright in Canada and Quebec. Any interested artists from Canada and Quebec may affiliate with Copyright Visual Arts.



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