Labour Adjudicator Rules Cohabitation Not Required for Spousal Relocation Leave
A couple can be living in a conjugal relationship even if they are living in different cities, according to a recent Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board decision.
The Board found that the Department of Citizenship and Immigration was wrong to deny an Ottawa-based employee’s request for spousal relocation leave to join his partner in Vancouver, because the couple had not lived under the same roof for at least a year. The couple had lived together briefly in Ottawa and intended to relocate to Vancouver but, for personal and financial reasons, were unable to move at the same time.
The department’s collective agreement with the Public Service Alliance of Canada grants an employee leave to accommodate the relocation of a spouse or “common-law partner,” defined as a person “living in a conjugal relationship” with an employee continuously for at least a year. There is no requirement in the agreement that the couple cohabit for that entire period, the Board pointed out, only that the conjugal relationship has lasted more than one year. The Board concluded that an individualized assessment based on relevant factors, of which cohabitation is just one, is required to determine if a couple is, in fact, living in a conjugal relationship.
In this case, the Board was satisfied that, when the employee requested spousal relocation leave, the couple had been living in a conjugal relationship continuously for at least a year, even though they were living apart. The couple intended to have a common residence but were living separately mainly for financial reasons. Their relationship otherwise had the hallmarks of a common-law partnership. The factors the Board considered included the exclusivity of the couple’s relationship, the emotional and psychological support they provided to each other, their constant communication and, at considerable cost, their frequent visits across the country to see each other.
The Public Service Alliance of Canada was represented by Michael Fisher.
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