Dayna Steinfeld Awarded the Advocates’ Society David Stockwood Memorial Prize

Dayna Steinfeld Awarded the Advocates’ Society David Stockwood Memorial Prize
Dayna Steinfeld is the 2022 recipient of The David Stockwood Memorial Prize. The prize is awarded to an advocacy-related written article, judged for its merit by a panel.

Dayna’s winning submission, “”Finding a Balance – Navigating the Advocacy Challenge for Union Side Labour Lawyers in Cases Involving Allegations of Member on Member Sexual Violence” examines the challenge for union-side lawyers of cross-examining a union member called as an employer witness in a case involving an allegation of sexual assault in the workplace. The article suggests that the union-side advocate can be guided by the legal principles of the law of consent to fulfil their role as an advocate for their client while balancing broader ethical obligations and being sensitive to the union’s equity-seeking goals and duties owed to all of its members.

Dayna’s article will be published in the Fall 2022 issue of The Advocates’ Journal.



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