Julia Williams completed her articles with Raven, Cameron, Ballantyne & Yazbeck, before serving as law clerk to the Honourable Justice Catherine Kane at the Federal Court in Ottawa. She currently practices in the areas of labour and employment law, human rights, and administrative law. Julia also represents and assists workers who have been denied their long-term disability claims.
Prior to law school, Julia worked as a human rights officer for a national civil liberties group advocating on behalf of Canadian Muslims. Julia continued to pursue her interests in social justice and human rights while in law school through her work with South Ottawa Community Legal Services, where she represented low-income clients on appeals for Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits before the Social Benefits Tribunal. She also spent eight months with the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic, assisting with compensation claims for victims of violence before the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
Julia likes to travel, bake for family & friends, and is working towards her black belt in karate.
2015 J.D. magna cum laude, University of Ottawa 2009 M.A., University of Ottawa 2006 B.A. Honours, McMaster UniversityPROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS
County of Carleton Law Association
Law Society of Upper Canada