St. Lawrence College Terminations – Our Employment Lawyers are Here to Help

Did St. Lawrence College terminate your employment? We have a dedicated team of Employment Lawyers in Kingston and Ottawa committed to answering your questions and helping you through this uncertain time. Email to schedule an appointment today with one of our experienced Employment Lawyers to review your termination package and ensure you get a fair deal. You can meet with us in person, by video conference or by phone. Lire la suite

Andrew Astritis to speak at LSO Program on Employment Standards Act

On February 13, 2025, Andrew Astritis from RavenLaw will be presenting at the Law Society of Ontario’s continuing professional development program: The Employment Standards Act – A Primer 2025. The webcast will address key requirements of the Employment Standards Act, dealing with both essential and more complex ESA issues. Click here to register and for more information. Lire la suite

Amarkai Laryea Presents at Annual Human Rights Update

January 29, 2025 On January 30, 2025, Amarkai Laryea will be presenting at Lancaster House’s Annual Human Rights Update: The latest cases and legislative developments. This webinar will examine recent noteworthy developments in workplace human rights law, including updates in the law around workplace harassment and discrimination. The session will take place from 1230-2pm. For more information or to register, please visit the webinar website. Lire la suite

RavenLaw Presents at Lancaster House Labour Law Conference

RavenLaw lawyers chaired, moderated, and presented on panels at the annual Lancaster House Labour Law Conference in Ottawa on October 17 and 18, 2024. Wassim Garzouzi was a conference co-chair and moderated the panel on workplace harassment. Morgan Rowepresented on the “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied” panel, addressing solutions to delays and other obstacles to timely grievance arbitration. Alison McEwen moderated the panel on gender inclusivity in the workplace, which... Lire la suite

RavenLaw to Present at LSO 25th Employment Law Summit

On October 15, 2024, RavenLaw will be chairing and presenting panels at the Law Society of Ontario’s 25th Employment Law Summit. Kim Patenaude will be co-chairing the Summit, and Raphaelle Laframboise-Carignanwill be presenting a legislative update. The Summit is dedicated to keeping lawyers and paralegals abreast of the year’s crucial judicial rulings and legislative advancements. The Summit involves legal practitioners from across the province and addresses important topics, such as... Lire la suite

Dayna Steinfeld to Speak on Employer Responsibilities When Employees Experience Domestic Violence

On October 17, 2024, Dayna Steinfeld will be speaking at a Community Legal Education Association webinar on employer responsibilities when employees experience domestic violence or intimate partner violence. The webinar is part of CLEA’s Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Project. The webinar is hosted by the Manitoba Federation of Labour, which has been strongly advocating in the area of Manitoba’s interpersonal violence leave under The Employment Standards Code. Dayna’s talk... Lire la suite

Fathima Cader Appointed Academic Co-Director at Parkdale Legal Community Services

For the 2024 Fall Term, Fathima Cader has been appointed Acting Academic Co-Director at Parkdale Legal Community Services, alongside Osgoode Hall Law School’s Amar Bhatia. Founded in 1971, the Parkdale legal clinic is one of the oldest community-based legal clinics in North America. The clinic undertakes projects and provide services based on community need and indicia of oppression, especially poverty, racism, violence, and systemic discrimination. Lire la suite

Règlement approuvé dans le cadre du recours collectif RATVO

Ravenlaw a le plaisir d'annoncer que la Cour supérieure de l'Ontario a approuvé l'entente de règlement conclue dans le cadre du recours collectif impliquant des employés qui ont dû payer des montants de transfert de pension plus élevés en raison d'un changement dans les hypothèses actuarielles lorsqu'ils ont été transférés de la fonction publique de l'Ontario à l'Agence du revenu du Canada dans le cadre du processus de réforme de... Lire la suite

RavenLaw Presents at Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers Conference

RavenLaw lawyers presented on panels at the annual Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers conference in Quebec City during the week of June 6, 2024. Morgan Rowe moderated and presented on the “Reimagining Workplaces for Workers with Disabilities” panel, Julia Williams spoke on a panel on free expression in the workplace, Fathima Cader was a panelist for the “AI, Algorithms, and Work – What Labour Lawyers Need to Know” session, Dayna... Lire la suite

Morgan Rowe to Present on Intervening on behalf of Equity Seeking Groups

On May 30, 2024, Morgan Rowe will present as part of the County of Carleton Law Association’s Equity Conference. Morgan will appear on a panel discussing approaches to interventions, specifically in the Supreme Court context, on behalf of equity seeking/equity denied groups. The panel will discuss the special considerations involved in providing intervener representation to these groups, as well as practical advice for potential interveners. For more information or to... Lire la suite