À propos de RavenLaw
RavenLaw s’engage à faire progresser les droits des travailleurs de même que les causes juridiques progressistes.
Nos avocats représentent exclusivement des syndicats et des employés non syndiqués dans les domaines du droit du travail, droit de l’emploi et droits de la personne. Nous avisons nos clients sur maintes questions dont la négociation collective, l’arbitrage de grief, l’arbitrage de différends, plaintes des droits de la personne, santé et sécurité au travail, révision de contrat d’emploi, congédiement injustifié, cessation d’emploi, prestations d’invalidité de longue durée, discipline professionnelle, appel administratif, révision judiciaire, litiges relatifs à la Charte, et plus encore.
Nous avons des bureaux à Ottawa, Kingston et Winnipeg avec des pratiques dans toutes les provinces et territoires au pays.
Nous sommes fiers d’offrir nos services en anglais et en français.
We have offices in Ottawa, Kingston and Winnipeg and our lawyers practice in every province and territory in the country.
We are proud to offer our services in both French and English.
RavenLaw lawyers chaired, moderated, and presented on panels at the annual Lancaster House Labour Law Conference in Ottawa on October 17 and 18, 2024. Wassim Garzouzi was a conference co-chair and moderated the panel on workplace harassment. Morgan Rowepresented on the “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied” panel, addressing solutions to...
On October 15, 2024, RavenLaw will be chairing and presenting panels at the Law Society of Ontario’s 25th Employment Law Summit. Kim Patenaude will be co-chairing the Summit, and Raphaelle Laframboise-Carignanwill be presenting a legislative update. The Summit is dedicated to keeping lawyers and paralegals abreast of the year’s crucial...
On October 17, 2024, Dayna Steinfeld will be speaking at a Community Legal Education Association webinar on employer responsibilities when employees experience domestic violence or intimate partner violence. The webinar is part of CLEA’s Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Project. The webinar is hosted by the Manitoba Federation of Labour,...
For the 2024 Fall Term, Fathima Cader has been appointed Acting Academic Co-Director at Parkdale Legal Community Services, alongside Osgoode Hall Law School’s Amar Bhatia. Founded in 1971, the Parkdale legal clinic is one of the oldest community-based legal clinics in North America. The clinic undertakes projects and provide services...